Monday, May 30, 2016

This was a must for a Baby Boomer

Most everyone that was around on November 22nd, 1963 can tell you exactly where they were when they heard that President Kennedy had been shot. The official announcement that he was dead came only a short time later. Even the grizzled old war reporter Walter Cronkite, was moved nearly to tears by simply saying that the president was dead. A nation was shocked. Within a brief few days many of us turned to the national news media perhaps as never before to learn every detail, to follow every event that unfolded in front of our eyes. The three main networks were on the air around the clock. Schools were closed as a nation sat glued to their collective TV screen. I can still hear the clomp, clomp, clomp of the horses on pavement as they pulled the military caisson to the Capital Rotunda where President Kennedy's body was laying in state, while a quarter of a million people filed solemnly by. Life came screeching to a halt as a nation mourned. Can anyone forget John John handing his little flag to his mother so he could salute as his father's casket passed by?
Standing in the museum, looking out the window at Elm Steet, walking the grassy knoll. It all seemed so fresh and real, while at the same time surreal. It was a powerful reminder to me, as I am sure it is for many who remember J.F.K.s call to action; for civil change, and doing the right thing in life, not because it is the easy thing, but because it is the hard thing.

1 comment:

  1. Today is actually the very first time I have been able to sit and look at your go Bro!

    The gray hair...the Hell's Angel beard...the bug-splattered goggles...the bird feathers in your front tooth...all you need is a massive skull & bones patch on the back of that jacket!!
