Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Quick hits on California - warning: this post may not be politically correct and has been found by the State of California to be offensive to some

So I am now in Arizona, and by tomorrow I will be through New Mexico and approaching Texas. But before I lose California in the rear view mirror (the desert is so flat I can still see California 300 miles behind me) I wanted to record a couple of my impressions of California, even though it may not be politically correct.
I ran over, and presumably killed, something crossing the road near Santa Ysabel. I saw it briefly before it disappeared under my rear tire and went thump, but I don't know what it was. My closest guess would be that it was a banana. Perhaps there was a nearby Hindu community that had just brought it back as a chipmunk and it escaped before the reincarnation was complete. So if I killed it again, what will it come back as? Maybe a government employee so it won't have to move so fast?
When I commented about the week and a half I would be riding in the desert Lisa was quick to remind me that the desert has its own beauty. She was right.
Perhaps it is in the symmetry. The never changing landscape is perfectly symmetrical, with the brown flat topography flowing as far as the eye can see (approximately 300 miles) to meet the equally flat skyline, with no gaps!  Look at the symmetry displayed by these two pictures, taken thirty miles apart:
Now that's symmetry!

Yet, in the middle of this sandy collection of scrub brush and sage were people. A number of people. Some in trailers, some in RVs, some in small homes surrounded by six foot tall fences with no change in appearance between the terrain inside and outside the fence. Who are these people who choose to live in this desolate area? Or, maybe a better question is:

Maybe they were uneducated and over weight and they thought they were buying property surrounded by dessert?
Maybe they were people who bought the property because they couldn't afford a snow shovel?
Maybe they had read that you can get elevation sickness at elevations over 8,000 feet and they thought it said 80.00 feet?
Maybe they had a pet iguana and wanted a yard for it to play in?
Maybe they had a bad experience with a neighbor?
Maybe they are descendents of the wicked witch of the west and have an aversion to water?
Maybe they're just traveling through, and through, and through...?
Maybe they didn't own a selfie stick but wanted to be sure the desert was always in the background?
Maybe they are an advance party scouting a location for Trump's wall?
Maybe they were tired of being ignored in the big city?
Whatever the Why, it's one sure way to be able to keep an eye on your neighbor. Bless them, it has to be a very tough life! But the gas is cheaper!
California can be a little over the top. While appearing to care about the environment I watched one person after another walk around a discarded bag of fast food wrappers before I finally picked it up and discarded it. 
They live here for the weather but could not exist without air conditioning.
There are warnings on everything, stating that it is known to the State of California to be hazardous to your health. Yet they neglect to post the warning at the one spot that would most deserve it - the on-ramps of all state highways.
No really, it's time to eat!

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