Friday, May 13, 2016

Days 15 - 21

Ok, let me try this again. I just typed, one finger at a time, an update to let anyone interested know where I've been the last several days. Apparently I pushed the wrong button somewhere as my "draft", as we call it in the blogging biz, disappeared before my eyes, after 45 minutes of pecking away. Have I mentioned recently that I hate computers (and apparently this disdain for all things digital extends into the Apple Domain now).
So where was I?
Oh yes, in case anyone was wondering if I drove off a cliff and fell into the ocean, no, I have not. Let me explain my absence from this blog for the last couple of days.
Flash back to May 2nd, when I made a cross-state ride to spend a bunch of money at a Harley Davidson dealer in Folsom, Ca., replacing a "lost" saddle bag. I was told it was by the Big Tree but didn't want to ride back to verify. 
When I picked up the new right-side bag it was sans lower mounting bracket; an item that I ordered to be shipped from the factory to Folsom, then re-shipped to Jason's place in Temecula. But when I got there, the cupboard was bare, and so was my Harley I guess...
A phone call to the dealer in Folsom revealed that, for whatever reason, 10 days was insufficient time to receive a UPS shipment from Wisconsin. It was due in the next day, at which time it would be re-shipped to me. This delay however, would put the package here the day after I had planned to leave for all points east.
Simultaneously, I was dealing with another scheduling dilemma; trying not to arrive at my next lay-over too soon. Jimmy had graciously agreed to put me up and feed me until Lisa got home from her trip to points unknown (or at least points unremembered). I have already scheduled a lengthy stay in the Dallas area as I have never been there (changing planes at the airport doesn't count according to the most recently updated family rules).
So, with my part now documented to be somewhere on The Five, I decided to stay over the weekend here in Temecula, provided that Jason agrees to the same reduced weekend room rates that I've enjoyed so far. My part will arrive Monday, I'll mount it on my saddle bag and depart either Monday or early Tuesday, arriving closer to schedule in Saches, Texas. This will give me a few more days to help my three home-schooling Grandkids with their homework, play board games with said Gkids and parental figures, and even watch Aaron's football game this evening!
So, as George Patton once said, I shall return. Additionally, as San Diego native Gene Autry said, "after UPS comes Monday I'll be back in the saddle again". 
Full disclosure:
Gene Autry was born in Texas, not San Diego.
Gene Autry didn't even live in San Diego, he lived in Studio City.
Gene Autry was wealthy enough that he had his "people" wait for the UPS man to show up.
Douglas MacArthur told Patton to stop stealing his quotes and get some writers to come up with something original, to which Patton replied "Have your people call my people, we'll do the E.T.O.".
Gene Autry before his cowboy days with Tonto's Fifth Army



  1. Hm . . . Frog, first you buy helmet, then you post photo of self in aviator's helmet, and now this photo. You thinkin', at end of tour, of re-uppin'?

  2. Everything I learned in history class is a lie! =]

  3. Alternative history. You and Tom are two of a kind.
