Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Quick hits

I noticed, since crossing the Mason Dixon line, that there aren't as many billboards for personal injury lawyers. In the Deep South, they were everywhere. One showed a young lady with a smile on her face next to the lawyer's reminder, "If you've been injured we can get you more money". The young lady was wearing a sleeveless blouse and had a small Band-Aid on her arm!

The "Shut Up and Eat" restaurant was like Cheers. They may not all know your name but everyone who walks in the door gets a "hey, how you doing?" from the employees, even from across the room. When you leave everyone chimes in with a "thanks for stopping by". Nice touch.

Wise advise for one and all

Speaking of bill boards, someone needs to proof read some of these. They sell a diesel fuel for semi-tractors, but to advertise "truckers, get your STDs next exit", might not be a good idea.


  1. Nice stuff! Will have to spend some time looking through all of these entries. You're good at this!

  2. Jerry - it's been a blast reading about and seeing these great pics from your trip on this blog. I love these "beach rules" - now I just need to get to a beach! All of us here at IdahoPTV look forward to catching up with you when you get back. Shane
