The Keys are a series of islands, a small scale archipelago. How many are there? No one knows. The word Key is short for Keychane, the Spanish word meaning "lost item". Many people know of Key West and Key Largo, but there are many more, some without names. If you have money you can buy a Key and name it whatever you want.
There's Islamadore Key, named by a Muslim cleric.
Ohio Key was named by Urban Meyer when he brought his team down here for spring practice.
Bahia Honda was the idea of an entrepreneur auto dealer.
Duck Key was given to the owners wife to make her happy.
Marathon was purchased and named by a Kenyan athlete.
Crab Key was named by a fisherman.
Crabs Key was named by the guy that owns the local Adult Book Store.
A Boy Scout leader bought an island and named it in honor of his wife, Camp Findma Key.
The FBI solved a 20 year old cold case when they realized that the serial killer they were tracking had buried his victims on an island, then thinking he was to smart to get caught, made a critical error when he named it Key Evidence.
A Time Share salesman built a hotel on Turn Key.
Steven King bought Cudjoe Key.
Mohammad Ali is thought to have owned Knockemdown Key.
An artist formerly known as Prince owned No Name Key.
Jimmy the Greek owned Book Key.
A local locksmith named Skeleton Key.
And those are just the ones I was able to find today. Some of you may know someone who owns or named a Key.
Did you see the key where there is a Four Season's hotel built between the massive sand dunes? I think it's Fran Key Valley