Friday, April 29, 2016

Another quick hit

Stopped for lunch at Mattie's Pancake House but they closed at 1 p.m. So I went to an adjacent restaurant instead. I should have known I was in over my head when I saw it had a foreign name - Asana, it's a Yoga position but I'm not sure if it's Greek yoga or not.
It was so fancy that I was the only one in the place wearing white socks (and there were no Cubs fans either).
It was so fancy that the wine list out numbered the burgers by 6 to 1.
It was so fancy they frowned upon it when I dipped the corner of my cloth napkin in my finger bowl then used it to wash the bugs off the visor of my helmet.
It was so fancy the prices were all whole numbers.
It was so fancy that the free refills were $5.
It was so fancy the lady at the next table didn't eat her meal, she only took a picture of it.
It was so fancy that the conversation I over heard at the next table had French sub-titles.


  1. hee hee

    Well done, that writing!

    The closer you get to SF, the bizarrer things get.

    With the exception of total sanity, briefly, while staying with Carol and Roy.
