Monday, July 4, 2016

Well this ought to be interesting

Like a fish out of water, that's how I feel right now. I am sitting in front of a desk top computer trying to do what I have, for the last 70 days, done on the I-Pad - publish a blog entry. Right now my kids are all screaming "back, back you fool you know you can't do that!", but here I sit on a real keyboard, using more than my one finger, to type what I hope will eventually be a blog entry!
I made it to Bud's house about 10:30 this morning, having crossed into Ohio

and made it past the Perry Nuclear Power Plant without my hair falling out.

We've been chit chatting about everything since. We went out for lunch and dinner, then went with Sandy and her husband Gary, along with 3.5 of their kids to watch the fireworks display in the drizzle that was Fairport Harbor.
Instead of taking I-90 in from Erie I opted, in the spirit of P48, to travel from the Ohio border to Painesville on Highway 20 through a number of small communities that I either forgot about over the last 25 years or had never seen before. Either way, it was seeing the route through fresh eyes.
Tomorrow it will be laundry, take bike to Harley Dealer for a new tire, then cruise around with Bud and relax.
Now if I can figure out how to get a picture off of my phone without using Wi-Fi, I'll have it made!

(Epilog - Giggle, giggle, I think this is going to work!!!)

1 comment:

  1. You can do eet! Now, did you use more than one finger on each hand, or is that just hopeful thinking?
