Hi. I'm a fish. A Big Mouth. The one that got away. Me and the Gill Boys we're holding yer Frog, so-called, hostage on Lake Murkybottom. You ain't heard from this Frog fer three days, right? So you better believe we mean bizness. Now, you want him back, you release-and-catch EVERYBODY from now on. And the next time you make eye contact wit one of us right outa the water, you highfin it back to shore, you get yer boat out of our world, and you don't come back no more, you got it? You wanna see yer Frog again, you follow orders.
We're warnin' ya. We got ways, like wit fine little bones stuck across the throat, know what I mean?
so...right after Jerry passes through Michigan Upper Peninsula, the governor declares a State of Emergency... http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2016/07/gov_rick_snyder_declares_state_2.html
Hi. I'm a fish. A Big Mouth. The one that got away.
ReplyDeleteMe and the Gill Boys we're holding yer Frog, so-called, hostage on Lake Murkybottom.
You ain't heard from this Frog fer three days, right? So you better believe we mean bizness.
Now, you want him back, you release-and-catch EVERYBODY from now on. And the next time you make eye contact wit one of us right outa the water, you highfin it back to shore, you get yer boat out of our world, and you don't come back no more, you got it?
You wanna see yer Frog again, you follow orders.
We're warnin' ya. We got ways, like wit fine little bones stuck across the throat, know what I mean?
I've got some pocket change for ransom money = ]
Deleteso...right after Jerry passes through Michigan Upper Peninsula, the governor declares a State of Emergency... http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2016/07/gov_rick_snyder_declares_state_2.html
ReplyDeleteJerryFrog sullied the Yewpie when he left in his wake noise pollution and skid marks. . . .